

Eugene has tons of knowledge about the market, is very responsive, and will not wait to reach out to sellers, schedule visits, and submit offers with strong negotiation strategies. This is absolutely crucial in a market such as NYC. It has been a pleasure to have Eugene as an agent. I had a million questions and have been very tough on him but he never lost patience and was more than proactive all along the eight months we spent together to find the perfect condo. Even though we did everything remotely as I live out of state, I did not feel at any point that I was a second priority. Eugene is someone you need on your team. That's at least what I have concluded and will continue to trust him.

Jason K.

It was truly a pleasure working with Eugene on my condo purchase. The housing market in 2021 was on fire, to say the least! With his expert guidance, we were able to win a bidding war beating out some all-cash offers as well! We met some challenges along the way, but along with Eugene’s network of mortgage lenders, we were able to get to the finish line in time for closing. I would highly recommend Eugene to anyone looking to purchase or sell their property in New York City.


Eugene did a great job advising me and my family on purchasing an apartment. We were able to find an amazing two-bedroom condo in a new development. He skillfully negotiated an extraordinary deal at over 10% off the asking price and full sponsor closing cost concessions. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to purchase or sell a property in New York City.

Work With Eugene

Eugene knows that the home buying process starts with listening and understanding what the client is looking for. Each property has its unique features, and Eugene is an expert at highlighting them to potential buyers.

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